Saturday, 24 September 2011

The Importance of Contrast on a Web Page

An important part of web site design is Contrast. This is because it often means the difference between a web page that looks great and a web page that is hard to read or causes your eyes to strain. Often times it can be hard to decide what colors work well in contrast to others. The color chart below should help show you different colors and how they contrast or don't contrast well as foreground and background colors.

Be aware however, that contrast is more than just how bright a color is compared to the background. You will notice that some of these colors are extremely bright and show up vibrantly on the background color - such as blue on black. But I labeled it as having a poor contrast, because while it appears to be bright, the colors make the text difficult to read. For example, if you were to create a web page in blue text on a black background, many of your readers would have eye strain in no time.

Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Violet Black White Gray
Foreground Red Poor Good Poor Poor Poor Good Good Poor
Orange Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Good Poor Poor
Yellow Good Good Poor Good Poor Good Poor Good
Green Poor Poor Poor Good Poor Good Poor Good
Blue Poor Poor Good Good Poor Poor Good Poor
Violet Poor Poor Good Poor Poor Good Good Poor
Black Poor Good Good Good Poor Good Good Poor
White Good Good Poor Poor Good Good Good Good
Gray Poor Poor Good Good Poor Poor Poor Good

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